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Play With Your Food: How to Take Your Baking to the Next Level with Food Colors & Home-Grown Inspo!-Bakell®

Play With Your Food: How to Take Your Baking to the Next Level with Food Colors & Home-Grown Inspo!

Hello there foodies – we are super happy to see that you are back for some more baking and food crafting inspiration! Today we’re going to give you some tips on how to play with your food like a pro.

See, at Bakell we love nothing more than coloring outside the lines and we’ll be sharing a little insight into how you can use food coloring products, like our Luster Dust and  to make your kitchen creations POP like crazy.

Here you go!

purple edible luster dust for cupcakes

Think outside of the color box

Pink for girls, blue for boys – huh? Snooze! The marvelous thing about being alive and kicking in 2022 is that there is no such thing as boxing in a color with any gender or societal norms. So, when you start to play with food colors to up the ante on your baking and food creations, take a moment to shake off those old-timey associations you may have with certain colors.

For instance, green is not only for St Paddy’s Day! We love using green on all sorts of occassions because it has so many wonderfully positive connotations. For instance, green is associated with growth and abundance, so using green glitter on cupcakes for Arbor Day or Earth Day is a great way to celebrate these occasions.

summer edible glitter ice lollies

Add some tasty texture while you’re at it!

While many of our eatable food glitters have been developed with the express purpose of not tasting like anything (so you can add it to anything), we have now created a range of flavored glitters for when you want to add a little something extra to your yummy creations. Think powder candy, but a beautifully glittery kind!

The lovely thing about this powder candy is that you can use it to layer flavors onto the edible art pieces you’re creating. No kidding – there are all sorts of amazing flavors to choose from, and not just the boring same-old, same-old either. Nope, we’ve pushed out the boat to bring you flavors like Sweet Cotton Candy, Birthday Cake, Sour Fruit Punch and more.

With these amazing candy toppings in your decorating arsenal, it becomes a whole lot easier to dream up amazing creations. After all, what were Picasso without his paints and Coco Chanel without her fabrics?

cake molds and flavored glitter

Embrace molds + templates (it’s NOT cheating)

Listen love, not all of us were born with the innate decorating skills of Tessa Huff, Clair Ptak or Cedric Grolet. These amazing humans were blessed with wonderful artistic ability and provide us with amazing inspiration on the daily. However, you don’t need super-human artistic skills to make something really pretty when you head into the kitchen.

This is why we stock such a gorgeous variety of molds and templates, honey! When you use a cake-baking mold, you are setting the scene for something fabulous right from the start. All you need to do is follow the manufacturer’s instructions, make sure that the cake ingredients are all on point, and you will be good to go.

The same goes for decorating templates. A template is a great tool that makes it super easy to dust or paint pretty patterns onto your cakes and bakes – no mess, no fuss, just picture-perfect loveliness! So, get it out of your mind that molds and templates are cheating; they’re not. They are just a tool like any other spatula and mixer in your home kitchen.

Show off your interests

A great way of dreaming up amazing new food creations is to take inspiration from your daily life. The wonderful thing is that there is literally just one human like you in the whole wide world. For real – no-one else has the exact brand of awesome that you have. So, use it to your advantage when you head into the kitchen.

For instance, if you full-on obsessed with Bridgerton right now, it’s time to get crafty with pearlescent tones, jewels, and lace. Maybe you want to use a pretty lace pattern and food-grade metallic paint to create an amazing pattern on a birthday cake, and then add some Dazzler Dust for good measure.

Or perhaps you are a green-fingered gardener who spends most of their time outside, loving on the great outdoors. In this case, you could turn your love of green things into inspo for cupcake decorations – perhaps cut up some marshmallows to make flower petals and glue it to the center of your cupcakes before icing on some leaves?

If you really want to push out the boat and challenge yourself big time, ask a tiny human for some direction. Kids dream BIG and they don’t put limitations on their imagination in the way that grownups tend to do. They don’t care if something is possible  - they just want it to be cool! So, next time you’re stuck, call on your kids, or a nephew, niece, or the child of a friend to give you some ideas. You’ll be knee-deep in space ballerinas, dinosaur fairies and Hot Wheels palaces before you know it ; )


So – there you have it, a few tips that will help you loosen up in the kitchen and push yourself to make even more amazing things. Remember, the end goal should always be to have as much fun as possible. Don’t hold yourself to impossible expectations or expect everything to be perfect.

Go in with an open mind, an open heart, and the expectation that you will have a lot of fun. That way, every baking session is bound to be a great one!
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