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Mother's Day High Heels & Purse Sugar Cookie Recipe | from Bakell-Bakell®

Mother's Day High Heels & Purse Sugar Cookie Recipe | from Bakell

These super easy & fun "Mother's Day High Heel's Sugar Cookies with Icing" will bring a smile to any mom's face!  Plus, if they love shoes & high heels, these cookies are for them and will be the perfect compliment for this year's Mother's Day! Yes, sugar cookies like these High Heel Sugar Cookies might seem intimidating, but they’re super easy - enjoy & have fun!

Ok, we love love sugar cookies! We love decorating them and seeing the expression on peoples faces when they see hand decorated cookies. We just wanted to show a few pictures and steps for anyone that might want to make their own. 

High Heels & Purse Sugar Cookie

Cookie Stencils from

To start, here is one of our favorite Sugar Cookie recipes:

  • High Heels & Purse Cookie Cutter Set (click here)
  • Bakell Edible Glitters (click here)
  • 6 cups flour
  • 3 tsp. baking powder
  • 2 cups butter
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp. salt

Ok, now let's get started. Mix cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs and vanilla. Mix well. Mix dry ingredients and add a little at a time to butter mixture. Mix until flour is completely incorporated and the dough comes together.

Chill for 1 to 2 hours. Roll to desired thickness and cut into desired shapes. Bake on non-greased baking sheet at 350 degrees for 8 to 10 minutes or until just beginning to turn brown around the edges. This recipe can make up to 5-dozen 3” cookies.

Here is great Royal Icing Recipe:

  • 6 oz (3/4 cup) of warm water
  • 5 Tablespoons meringue powder
  • 1 teaspoon cream of tartar
  • 2 1/4 lbs.powdered icing sugar

In mixer bowl, pour in the warm water and the meringue powder. Mix it with a whisk by hand until it is frothy and thickened…about 30 seconds. Add the cream of tartar and mix for 30 seconds more. Pour in all the icing sugar at once and place the bowl on the mixer. Using the paddle attachment on the LOWEST speed, mix slowly for a full 10 minutes. Icing will get thick and creamy. Cover the bowl with a dampened tea-towel to prevent crusting and drying. Tint with food coloring's or thin the icing with small amounts of warm water to reach the desired consistency.


Step 1: Bake cookies with recipe above. Let Cool.


Step 1 High Heels Sugar Cookie



Step 2: If desired, outline your cookie with #3 Tip with black icing. (from recipe above) - Use our "Scriber Needle Tool" to really make job easier and allow you to add a lot of fine detail to your cookie! Every baker & decorates needs a few these in there kitchen drawer! Best and simplest tool ever!

Step 2 Scriber Needle Tool


Scriber Needle Tool from Bakell


Scriber Needle Tool from


Step 3: Fill inside with icing color & edible glitter or food grade dusts of your choice! The example below is a red dust, similar to our "Non-Toxic Deep Red Hologram Decorating Disco Dust" which is perfect for decorating cookies and cakes. However, you may prefer to use our new Edible Dusts from our edible dust & glitter line instead!  If you need the icing to be thinner, add a little warm water and mix well.

High Heel Sugar Cookie with Edible Dust & Glitter

We sell both Edible Decorating Dusts & Non Toxic Food Grade Dusts like the one below which is "5g Jar of our Deep Red Hologram Decorating Disco Dust"

5g Jar of our Deep Red Hologram Decorating Disco Dust


Step 4. With Tip #3 add detail to your high heel cookie & HAVE FUN! See Some great examples from other decorators in the pictures below that you can tell had a lot of fun and used their creative juices when decorating their High Heels Cookies!

Image result for high heel sugar cookies

 Image result for high heel sugar cookies

Step 5: Let dry at least 24 hours before stacking or packing & Happy Bakell'ing!

Previous article Red White and Blue Chocolate Pretzel Sticks


Rose Martine - January 18, 2020

Absolutely amazing! I will have to make this soon! Thank you for also posting all the links to buy the items! That is so helpful!
rose martine

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